Sunday, June 28, 2009

My First 50 Years

I am not trying to mess with my karma by implying I have another 50 years ahead of me. I am just trying to put a positive spin on the fact that I AM OLD.

My sister says it is just a number, but, 1) she is younger and 2) it's NOT her number. It is the number that you remember as a little kid your grandparents being, and thinking that was sooo old. Yet, here I am looking it in the face now.

It is the number when things start to change. Your body begins to remind you that you are getting old. Your hair falls from your head, yet grows on your upper lip and chin. And while plucking those hairs, (with the help of a handy magnifying glass-because it is the number where your eyes have gone bad), you notice fat aging spots on your face and leather where the soft skin on your neck use to be.

It's the number where the bones in your body start to make strange noises, and your muscles stiffen during the night, so you spend 15 minutes stretching and rubbing them before you can get out of bed. (Not to mention the hobble into the shower).

Most importantly, it is the number where the shifts in your family start to make an enormous impact on your life, and you can't help but to reflect, and even miss, the days and years that have rapidly gone by. And it is the number of years you hope are still ahead in your life, because you realize there is still so much more you want to see, feel and do. Aging is a cruel lesson on how wonderful, but brief, life is.

But whatever the "numbers" left, I am thankful for the great life I've had, and the beautiful family I've been blessed with. And I think to myself.... what a wonderful far! (And thank you to the late, great Louis Armstrong, for a song that always keeps things in perspective!)